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Jerry (82 years old)... Dot (86 years old)... Chris (60 years old)... Cubby (3 years old)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

From Mississippi to Tennessee

We left Tupelo on Monday April 25th and arrived in Murfreesboro, TN that evening. We could have gotten here much earlier, but took our time sightseeing along the Natchez Trace.

There were many things to see along the Trace, including Indian mounds where nomadic Indians buried their dead from 1-200 AD, wildflowers, rivers, parks, a waterfall, a beaver dam and lots of beautiful scenery. This is such an historic roadway. We took time to look at parts of the Old Trace and took a 2-mile sidetrip where the speed limit was 15 mi per hour to see the Trace as it used to be for the settlers who traveled along it. We saw a fox running along the side of the road and many wild turkeys. (Jack finally got a few close-up pictures when a wild turkey flock? family? took a slow walk across the road in front of us. We missed getting a picture of the fox as he hurried away before we could react.) Merriweather Lewis (of Lewis and Clark fame) is buried along the Trace and we stopped to see the monument that stands upon his gravesite.


Unknown said...

Looks very beautiful.

House Hunt from Hell said...

A rafter of turkeys. A group of turkeys is called a rafter.

Jo said...

No, silly girl, a group of turkeys is called a feast.